products that will be given
-one african net sponge
-foaming black soap
-rose facial serum
-exfoliating coconut lip scrub
- ingredents for black soap - cocoa pods.coconut oil.palm tree leaf derivatives, including palm kernel oil and palm oil.plantain bark,shea butter, water,unzu
- rose oil -Organic rosehip seed oil, organic olive oil infused with organic calendula flowers, organic jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, and a blend of pure essential oils including organic lavender, organic helichrysum,
- lip scrub-coconut oil, honey and refined sugar,viamin E oil,
- African net sponge benifits-removing the outer layer of dead skin cells that causes your skin to look dull, dry, and flaky and allows healthy, new skin cells to flourish, leaving your skin soft, healthy, and rejuvenated.
skincare bundle
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